Thursday, July 5, 2018

Blender | Tutorial Videos | Open Source Tool

Bender is Open source tool. Here is the complete video tutorials. Thanks to Neal Hirsig.
Chapter 1
First Steps with Blender
Interface & Navigation
Selecting & Transforming Objects
Adding & Removing Objects
Using the Interface
Wrapping Up
Blender Default Scene
Splitting Joining Extending Editor Windows
3D Editor Viewport Window
Blender For Laptops
Manuvering Around In 3D Space
Blender Controls
Mesh Modeling Modes And Viewport Shading
Blender Grid - Blender Units And Scale
X Y And Z Axis
Primitive Mesh Objects
Selecting In Object Mode
Moving Objects
Rotating Objects
Scaling Objects
Opening Saving Auto Saving Files
Chapter 2
Adding Mesh Objects In Edit Mode
Naming Objects
Deleting Objects
Undo - Redo
Blender Layers
Global And Local Orientation
Center Point Object Origin
Pivot Points
Outliner Editor
Camera View
Mesh Smoothing
Camera - Lock To View
Chapter 3
Vertices Edges And Faces
Selecting Vertices
Selecting Edges
Selecting Faces
Vertex Edge And Face Menus And Search
Loop Cut And Slide
Knife Cut
Rip Tool
Extrude Part 1
Extrude Part 2
Spin Duplication
Box Select / Circle Select
Chapter 4
Empty Object
Background Image
Parenting Objects
Joining Objects
Separating Objects
Subdivision Surface Modifier
Bezier Curves And Circles Handles
Bezier Curve And Circle Extrusion
Bezier Curve And Circle Loft Beveling Along A Path
Bezier Curve And Circle Lathe Beveling Along A Path
Snap And Align Tools
Proportional Editing
Text Objects
Chapter 5
Colored Material
Multiple Materials
Blender Materials Shaders
Blender Materials Transparency
Blender Materials Mirror
Blender Materials Ramps
Procedural Textures Gradient Blend
Image Textures
Decal Image Textures
Bump Textures
Camera Constraint
Appending And Linking Blender Files
Rendering To An Image File
Render Slots
Packing Image Texture Files
Image Textures - Generated Mapping
Chapter 6
Blender Lighting Point Lamp
Blender Lighting Sun Lamp
Blender Lighting Sun Lamp Sky And Atmosphere
Blender Lighting Hemi Lamp
Blender Lighting Area Lamp
Blender Lighting Spot Lamp
Blender Lighting Ambient Occlusion
World Editor Background Sky
World Editor Background Image
World Editor Stars
World Editor Mist
LampConstraints and Parenting
Chapter 7
Basic Keyframe Animation
Graph Editor
Cyclic Animation
Path Animation
Camera Path Fly Around
Alpha Animation
Color Animation
Shape Key Animation
Rendering To A Video File
Chapter 8
Array Modifier
Bevel Modifier
Boolean Modifier
Curve Modifier
Simple Deform Modifier
Mirror Modifier
Lattice Modifier
Displace Modifier
Wave Modifier
Solidify Modifier
Decimate Modifier
Edge Split Modifier
Screw Modifier
Multiple Modifiers
Chapter 9
Multiple Cameras
Multiple Blender Scenes
Blender Groups
Blender Display Speed And File Size
Smoothing Problems
Cutting A Hole In A Flat Surface
Cutting A Hole Out Of A Curved Surface
Creating An Animated GIF
Binding Multiple Cameras To The Blender Timeline
Chapter 10
Basic Blender Particles Part 1
Basic Blender Particles Part 2
Smoke Particles
Smoke Simulation
Fire Particles
Fire Simulation
Static Particles
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
UV Textures Part 1 - Unwrapping Uvs
UV Textures Part 2 - Rendering UV Textures
UV Textures Part 3 - Seams
Sculpt Mode
Chapter 13
NURBS Curves - The Basics
NURBS Surface Curves - TheBasics
NURBS Surface Circle-Part1
NURBS Surface Circle-Part2-Dupliframes-Screw Modifier
NURBS Surface Patch
NURBS Surfaces-Cylinder-Sphere-Torus
NURBS Surfaces-Textures
Meta Objects-ObjectMode
Meta Objects-EditMode
Chapter 14
Rigid Bodies Part 1
Rigid Bodies Part 2
Rigid Bodies Part 3
Rigid Bodies Part 4 - Constraints

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